Lt. Harry Colebourn - жалкая и ничтожная личность! В Пражском зоопарке жил медведь, которого привезли... из Сибири чешские легионеры в 1918 или 1919 году! И подарили Томашу Масарику - первому президенту Чехословакии. Представьте себе маршрут и условия перевозки медвежонка... Увы, я не знаю, как назвали этого медведя.
Pooh Originally the name of a swan that lived on the lake at Decoy, a thatched cottage near Angmering in Sussex, a vacation spot of the Milnes when Christopher was small. Also the sound Pooh allegedly makes in the aftermath of the bees incident, when "his arms were so stiff...that they stayed up straight in the air for more than a week, and whenever a fly came and settled on his nose he had to blow it off" (WtP). Also short for Winnie-the(r)-Pooh. Mr. Sanders The name Pooh lives under. (WtP) Sir Pooh de Bear The name Christopher Robin bestows upon Pooh at the end of the stories. (HaPC) Henry Pootel The name actually bestowed upon Piglet by Christopher Robin, when he and Kanga deliberately mistake Piglet for "some relation of Pooh's" (WtP)
Княже, я, вникая, решил, что Милн обыгрывает baby talk, но это - fuzzy logic. Я ваще не ходок по словарям и справушникам. Вот Вам еще цитата с :
3.4 Can you explain all the names Pooh has had? In order to clear up any confusion over names, here's a list of the various "Poohish" names that might pop up in the stories. Edward Bear The original name of the teddy bear given to Christopher Milne at his first birthday. It is thought that he was made at the factory of J.K. Farnell , who made bears exclusively for Harrod's in the 1920's. Winnie-the-Pooh The name Christopher Robin bestowed upon Edward Bear when he said "he would like an exciting name all to himself" (WtP) Winnie-ther-Pooh The name, corrected by Christopher Robin so as to remove suspicion that Edward had been given a girl's name. "ther" is not explained. (WtP) Winnie An army veterinarian named Lt. Harry Colebourn bought a female black bear cub from a hunter on the platform of the Canadian Pacific Railroad Station in White River, Ontario, Canada on August 24, 1914 for while en route to Valcartier, Quebec. The hunter had killed the cub's mother. Colebourn took the bear, which he named Winnie (after his home town of Winnipeg, Manitoba (though he was born in Birmingham)) overseas to England, where she became the mascot of the 2nd Canadian Infantry Brigade, to which Colebourn was attached, most especially the Princess Patricia's Regiment. When he was posted to France in December, he left the bear with the London Zoo where it was a favorite attraction of A.A. Milne & Christopher. Colebourn, who visited Winnie when his leave permitted, met Alan at the Zoo and related her story to the author. Winnie survived until 1934.
> Очень редко в худлите бывает наоборот. > Навскидку вспомню лемовский бесполый океан в "Солярисе"
Как известно, в потерянной главе "Соляриса" персонаж "океан" позволял себе весьма непристойные выходки.
> и, у того же автора, некое пятиполое существо -- в тиховских хрониках.
"Пятиполое существо" -- а ведь это уже половой гигант!
> В детской литературе нередко персонажи ведут себя так, что им неведомо размножение. > Взять героев "Волшебника Оз" или подавляющее большинство толкиновских героев.
А вроде бы они там и плодятся, как кролики, и даже женятся... И посудачить о девушках не прочь...
> Когда читал дочке книжку Сергея Козлова (автора "Ёжика в тумане"), > не покидало устойчивое ощущение того, что герои (ежики и медвежата) -- либо трансвеститы, либо педерасты.
Ёжики -- они такие -- либо трансвеститы, либо педерасты.
> Они ведут себя и разговаривают гендерно-нетипично.